Dr Alessandro Cultrera of INRiM, the NMI of Italy, who developed the electric resistance tomography (ERT) technique for graphene analysis and led the inter-laboratory comparison, said about the new technique: “ERT, which was initially developed for physiological measurements, is proving itself to be a very reliable tool for materials science. We are now successfully applying ERT even to the characterisation of novel nanowire networks (the topic of another EMPIR project, 20FUN06 MEMQuD, lead by my colleague Gianluca Milano). I am intrigued by ERT because it merges both accurate electrical measurements and advanced computational methods capable of returning a two-dimensional map from a one dimensional set of data as input.”
The improved ERT technique is anticipated to be used in another EMPIR project, ‘Two dimensional lattices of covalent- and metal-organic frameworks for the Quantum Hall resistance standard’ (20FUN03, COMET), which is looking at other materials potentially even more interesting than graphene for metrology applications.